Tech Trend: Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services. It’s becoming the de facto way to run applications in the cloud, with more and more opinionated and vertically oriented services that run on top of it, like Knative and Kubeflow.

According to the most recent State of Cloud Native Development Report developed for CNCF by SlashData, 5.6 million developers use open-source container orchestration platform Kubernetes today, a 67% increase from a year ago. This group now represents 31% of all backend developers, an increase of 4 percentage points in the last year.

Last year, Raleigh-based Red Hat announced updated versions of its Kubernetes-focused OpenShift and Advanced Cluster Management (ACM) platforms, highlighting the vendor’s focus on providing organizations with more flexibility in managing their container-based infrastructure in edge locations.