Indiana to launch smart manufacturing hub for skills training
Photo Credit GE Additive
You might be surprised to learn that Indiana is one of the largest manufacturing states in the nation. With 8,500 facilities, including 500 automotive suppliers, the Hoosier state is the second largest automotive sector by GDP in the US, with the highest concentration of manufacturing jobs in the nation. And manufacturing is changing fast.
To rise to the challenge of training future manufacturing workers, Indiana will launch the Emerging Manufacturing Collaboration Center at the 16 Tech innovation District. The smart hub will help manufacturers use state-of-the-art equipment to train workers and companies in additive manufacturing, factory automation, advanced software development, and manufacturing readiness. A major part of the effort is being led by GE Additive, a GE company, in support of its binder jetting technology. Binder jetting is a family of 3D printing tech using metals, ceramics, and sand.
“Collaboration with industry sits at the very core of our strategy,” GE Additive Innovation Leader Josh Mook told WBIW. “We deliberately set out to identify a select group of strategic partners that could help us develop a real-world solution.”
Indiana’s 21st Century Research and Technology Fund is picking up the center’s $3 million dollar tab. A virtual industry day on December 8 will give manufacturers and other stakeholders a first look at plans for the facility and an opportunity to participate in workshops.