“Smart mailbox” company tries on facial recognition | Tech for improving your golf swing
“Smart mailbox” company tries on facial recognition
INDIANAPOLIS, IN–Dronedek created a “smart mailbox,” which secures and temperature-protects traditionally or autonomously delivered food, mail, and packages. Earlier this month, the company launched its inaugural pilot program in Lawrence, Ind., which featured the first time in the world that First Class mail was delivered to Dronedek smart mailboxes by a United States Postal Service mail carrier. Dronedek is now partnering with facial recognition provider Scylla to help bolster drone security and provide exceptional customer experience to their clients.
Tech to improve your golf swing
SPRINGFIELD, OH–Tired of topped shots? Mark Walsh, a biomechanics professor at Miami University, has teamed up with Young-Hoo Kwon, a professor of kinesiology at Texas Woman’s University, using innovative technology to unlock the secrets of an improved golf swing. The tech uses high-tech integrations like reflective markers and force plates to provide computer-generated 3D models of golfers taking different kinds of swings. An infrared quadrascopic camera also calculates ball speed, distance, trajectory and spin, as well as how far the ball will bounce or roll backwards after hitting the ground.
The Battery Belt
Fast Future COUNTRY–The Inflation Reduction Act includes provisions that increase taxes on large corporations, address climate change, and lower prescription drug costs, and will open up billions of dollars in subsidies for high-tech electric vehicle plants in Fast Future Country. Axios explains how things will play out for what some are calling The Battery Belt.