InvestMidwest connects Rezilient Health with the right people

Photo courtesy, InvestMidwest

St. Louis startup Rezilient Health is building an alternative care delivery platform. The company’s co-founders are Jeff Gamble, who received a PhD in neuro-engineering from Washington University, and Dr. Danish Nagda, an ENT specialist and serial entrepreneur.

Last year, Rezilient Health participated in the InvestMidwest event. Dr. Nagda presented and he talked with us about the InvestMidwest experience:

Tell us about Rezilient Health

Dr. Nagda: Rezilient is a robotic telehealth company that expands on the current capabilities of telehealth 1.0 by providing physicians the ability to perform physical exams, ultrasounds, and eventually minor procedures over the internet.

Our software platform allows physicians to not only provide standard video visits, but also remotely control the positioning of medical devices through touch gestures on their local computer that send commands to a telerobotic interface that is located with the patient at another physician’s office, pharmacy, nursing home, etc. While some vendors provide smart devices for basic exams, they require the patient, family member, or nurse extender to perform what is an “operator-dependent” exam, which takes the objective assessment out of the hands of the physician who was trained to do so.

What was InvestMidwest like?

Dr. Nagda: InvestMidwest was part of the momentum we needed to connect with the right people. The event is usually in person but last year it was virtual. It gave us access and connections and that’s a huge deal.

InvestMidwest is collaborating with the Midwest Growth Capital Symposium (MGCS) at the University of Michigan for the 2021 Midwest Venture Showcase scheduled for April 27-28, 2021. Panels will include “Why Invest in the Midwest,” “Diversity & Inclusion in Investing,” and “Midwest Unicorns are Real.”

For more information on applying, attending, or sponsoring the Showcase, please visit or email Phyllis Ellison (InvestMidwest) or or Emily Zaycosky (MGCS).